

1. General rules

  1. These regulations state the rights and duties of the attendees of the Gdakon 2025 convention, which takes place from 26.02.2025 to 02.03.2025.
  2. Gdakon 2025 is organised by Mr. Paweł Butyliński, President of the Cogitavi Foundation (FUNDACJA COGITAVI), registered with the National Council of the Judiciary under KRS: 0000520250 (with headquarters at Plac Solny 14/3, 50-062 Wrocław, NIP: 599-31-71-725, REGON: 081235160), hereinafter referred to as the Organiser.
  3. Every attendee of the Gdakon 2025 convention (hereinafter referred to as Gdakon), organised by Mr. Paweł Butyliński, is obliged to read the regulations.
  4. By registering on the convention website, the attendees acknowledge that they have read these regulations, accept them, and are committed to complying with them during the duration of the convention.
  5. As Gdakon takes place at the "NOVOTEL MARINA" hotel in Gdańsk, all attendees are required to comply with the hotel regulations.
  6. Both Gdakon and the hotel regulations will be available during the convention at the hotel entrance as well as in electronic form on the event’s website.
  7. Any person acting in violation of the event or hotel regulations may be removed from the convention without the right to any refunds or reimbursements.
  8. The Organiser reserves the right to the final interpretation of these regulations.
  9. These regulations are available in Polish and English versions. In case of any inconsistencies, the Polish version takes precedence.
  10. In matters not mentioned in the regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.


2. Registration, payments and refunds

  1. Attendees are required to provide their personal data: first name, last name, date of birth, and a current e-mail address. These details are necessary for the convention organisation and will be available only to the Organiser - they may be used only to prepare convention-related documentation and for anonymous statistical data, and not for other purposes (e.g., marketing).
  2. Every attendee is required to purchase a ticket to Gdakon. This purchase is possible through the event’s website:
  3. Tickets to Gdakon are sold in VAT format using two methods:
    1. In the registration system – the account registered by the attendee has a record of the ticket purchase,
    2. In electronic form – via an e-mail confirmation.
  4. To purchase a ticket, the attendee needs to follow these steps:
    1. log in or register on the website,
    2. choose the type of ticket and provide data for the invoice,
    3. make the payment.
  5. Accepting the regulations of Gdakon 2025 is necessary to complete the registration. In case of purchasing the ticket for someone else, the purchaser is obliged to inform the attendee(s) of the contents of these regulations.
  6. If the purchaser has selected the ‘Invoice option’ field and entered the necessary data (Tax Number, country, company name, and full address), the invoice will be issued automatically within 48 hours from the moment payment is registered. It will be available for download in the user profile on the website. Modification of the invoice data is not possible after placing the order. In case of any errors, please contact the Organiser via the contact form found here: or the email address
  7. Handling of credit card and wire transfer payments is managed via
  8. The ticket to Gdakon is a digital document.
  9. The purchaser cannot cancel the order, in accordance with Article 38 (12) of the 30th May 2014 Act on Consumer Rights.
  10. Within 48 hours from the moment the payment is registered, the purchased ticket will be sent to the purchaser via email and made available for download on the website.
  11. The attendee is obliged to protect the digital ticket from any attempts at copying or scanning.
  12. After receiving the ticket, the attendee is obliged to check whether the data on the ticket matches the data provided during registration.
  13. Any discrepancies in the data mentioned above need to be reported to the Organiser.
  14. Gdakon is a closed event, and the Organiser has the right to deny attendance without explanation.
  15. All payments must be made at least 14 days before the convention starts unless stated otherwise. In case of non-payment by the due date, the Organiser reserves the right to remove selected convention supplements, reservations at the hotel, or to remove the attendee from the participants' list.
  16. The Organiser reserves the right to a 7-day period for preparing any documents required by the Polish Embassy for granting a visa to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland.
  17. Choosing a hotel room is possible only via the convention’s website after purchasing and paying for the ticket.
  18. If the option for a hotel stay is chosen, the attendee is obliged to pay the entirety of the cost of this stay to the hotel bank account, provided in the user profile, within 14 days. If the payment is not registered, the reservation of the room will be cancelled.
  19. The selected room can be changed by the Organiser if:
    1.  the room becomes off-limits due to technical reasons,
    2.  the attendee did not pay the entirety of the required amount within the specified time period.


3. Attendance at the convention

  1. There are two types of confee: 
    1. allowing for an adult attendee to enter the convention site, without the ability to stay in a hotel for the night,
    2. allowing for an adult attendee to enter the convention site, with a stay in a hotel for the night.
  2. In every other case, the rights and duties remain the same no matter the confee type, unless rules from section 3 and 4 apply.
  3. Excluded from attendance are:
    1. sick persons,
    2. persons under quarantine or isolation at home, or who live with a person under quarantine or isolation.
  4. The attendees agree to be filmed and recorded by the convention Organizers, and for their image to be used in the photo archive or promotional materials.


4. Badges

  1. Only persons with Gdakon badge issued by the Organisers and the hotel staff are allowed within the convention area. 
  2. Badges are used for quick attendee identification and to not allow unauthorised persons to participate in the convention. They serve both organisational and security purposes, therefore they should be clearly visible at all times.
  3. The badge contains information of a confee type acquired by the attendee and the information stated in article III (3) of these regulations.
  4. Persons without badges will be escorted to the exit by security.
  5. Your avatar image to be placed on the badge must not contain anything obscene, commonly considered offensive, or vulgar. If you're unsure if your avatar fits this requirement, feel free to contact the Organisers for clarification.


5. Procedural matters

  1. The organiser doesn't take any responsibility for things left without care or lost, nor for the cars left on the parking lot near the venue. Any liability (including financial) is on the parties responsible for the damage. 
  2. It is strictly forbidden to bring the following things to Gdakon: 
    1.  weapons within the meaning of Law on Weapons and Ammunition,
    2.  pneumatic weapons (ASG, paintball),
    3.  ammunition for aforementioned weapons,
    4.  flags, medals, and other symbols tied to the nazi ideology,
    5.  white weapons (with the exception of knives and so-called "LARP safe weapons").
  3. The items listed in the previous section can be brought to the convention only if the organiser allows them and if they are necessary for a convention event. 
  4. Gdakon attendees are required to maintain cleanliness and order in the convention venue and the nearby area.  
  5. Alcohol consumption is allowed only within areas designated by the Organiser.  
  6. Smoking is allowed only within designated areas.  
  7. The use, possession, and distribution of drugs or other similar items are strictly forbidden.  
  8. Persons under the effects of alcohol or drugs may be removed from the convention by the organiser or the hotel staff.  
  9. Every Gdakon participant is expected to behave according to the widely understood rules of appropriate conduct.
  10. The attendees are obliged to respect the decisions of and cooperate with the organiser and the hotel staff. 
  11. Every Gdakon attendee staying at the convention hotel is required to let their room be checked by the Organiser before they leave. We also ask you to leave your room in reasonably good condition.  
  12. Any kind of inflatable toys and accessories are prohibited in the pool area of the hotel.
  13. The punishments for non-compliance with the regulations are:  
    1. verbal warning,
    2. removal from the event without a refund,
    3. In cases where the law is broken, the organiser will inform the appropriate authorities.


6. Security team

  1. For the duration of the convention, the Organiser will appoint a Security Team.  
  2. The Organiser chooses the team members, assigns their tasks, and provides necessary equipment.  
  3. The Security Team is led by the Organiser or someone else designated by them.  
  4. The main task of the Security Team is to provide security where there is an organised group of convention attendees within the event area. Neither the Organiser nor the Security Team takes responsibility for the security of those who are outside the convention area.  


7. Participation in convention events/media relations

  1. Those having 'Organizator' or 'Współpraca' statuses, who actively participate in the convention organisation, are excluded from the competitions they organise.  
  2. The Organiser is not obliged to provide alternate means of transportation to where the convention event takes place if someone is late for the bus.
  3. Attendees are not allowed to talk to the media about the convention without the prior consent of the Organiser.
  4. All advertising materials not approved by the Organiser will be removed from the convention along with the persons distributing them.


8. Complaints

  1. Complaints shall be processed by the COGITAVI Foundation.
  2. Complaints can be brought forward no later than 30 days after the end date of the event.
  3. Attendees may put forward complaints if they believe that:
    1. the services provided by the COGITAVI Foundation during the Gdakon 2025 convention were not provided in accordance with these Regulations,
    2. the services provided by the COGITAVI Foundation during the Gdakon 2025 convention were of poor quality,
    3. the services provided by the COGITAVI Foundation during the Gdakon 2025 convention infringed on the Attendee’s rights.
  4. Complaints can be made via e-mail:
  5. A valid complaint should contain:
  • name and surname of the attendee,
  • the e-mail address provided at registration,
  • the attendee’s ID number generated during registration,
  • reason for the complaint,
  • if possible, proof confirming the validity of the complaint.
  1. The complaint shall be processed by the COGITAVI Foundation without delay, no later than 30 days from the date a valid complaint was received.
  2. Response shall be sent to the e-mail address given in the complaint.
  3. If the complaint is deemed legitimate, the attendee will be able to choose from two options:
    1. transferring the ticket/accreditation to the next edition of the Gdakon convention,
    2. full or partial refund for the ticket/accreditation
  4. An Attendee who is a Consumer has the possibility of availing of the following out-of- court methods of settling complaints and pursuing claims. The platform that serves as a contact point for extrajudicial resolutions of disputes concerning contractual obligations, arising from online services agreements made between consumers residing in the European Union and entrepreneurs with their registered seats in the EU is ODR (Online Dispute Resolution). It is available at the following address: